
Implant Site Development and Extraction Site Grafting Technique Manual

Implant Site Development and Extraction Site Grafting Technique Manual

Clinical Case Report Brochure

Clinical Case Report Brochure

dPTFE Membranes

Clinical Classification of Healing Complications and Management in Guided Bone Regeneration Procedures with a Nonresorbable d-PTFE Membrane

Vroom MG, Gründemann LJ, Gallo P.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2022 May-Jun;42(3):419-427. 

Postextraction ridge preservation by using dense PTFE membranes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Chatzopoulos GS, Koidou VP, Sonnenberger M, Johnson D, Chu H, Wolff LF.

J Prosthet Dent. 2022 Apr 8:S0022-3913(22)00151-2.

Vertical Ridge Augmentation Around Dental Implants With the Use of a Dense PTFE Membrane to Correct Previously Failed Augmentations.

Soldatos N, Garcia M, Umoh E, Irizarry A, Weltman R.

Clin Adv Periodontics. 2021 Sep 23.

Peri-implant diseases: Current understanding and management.

Barootchi S, Wang HL.

Int J Oral Implantol (Berl). 2021 Aug 20;14(3):263-282.

Vertical bone augmentation utilizing a titanium-reinforced PTFE mesh: A multi-variate analysis of influencing factors.

Urban IA, Saleh MHA, Ravidà A, Forster A, Wang HL, Barath Z.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2021 Jul;32(7):828-839.

Evaluation of a Minimally Invasive Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction Approach in Postextraction Dehiscence Defects: A Case Series.

Antonious M, Couso-Queiruga E, Barwacz C, González-Martín O, Avila-Ortiz G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2021 May-Jun;41(3):335-345.

Evaluation of healing at molar extraction sites with ridge preservation using a non-resorbable dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane: A four-arm cohort prospective study.

Al Hugail AM, Mealey BL, Walker C, Al Harthi S, Duong M, Noujeim M, Lasho DJ, Prihoda TJ, Huynh-Ba G.

Clin Exp Dent Res. 2021 Jun 6. Epub ahead of print.

Dense Polytetrafluoroethylene Membrane versus Titanium Mesh in Vertical Ridge Augmentation: Clinical and Histological Results of a Split-mouth Prospective Study.

Maiorana C, Fontana F, dal Polo MR, Pieroni S, Ferrantino L, Poli PP, Simion M.

J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (5):465-472.

Vertical-guided bone regeneration with a titanium-reinforced d-PTFE membrane utilizing a novel split-thickness flap design: a prospective case series.

Windisch P, Orban K, Salvi GE, Sculean A, Molnar B.

Clin Oral Investig. 2021 May;25(5):2969-2980.

Inter-Implant Papilla Reconstruction via a Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation: A Case Report with a Long-Term Follow-up.

Urban IA, Barootchi S, Tavelli L, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2021 Nov-Dec;41(2):169-175.

Guided bone regeneration in staged vertical and horizontal bone augmentation using platelet-rich fibrin associated with bone grafts: a retrospective clinical study.


Amaral Valladão CA Jr, Freitas Monteiro M, Joly JC.

Int J Implant Dent. 2020 Oct 17;6(1):72.

Guided Bone Regeneration with Nonresorbable Membranes in the Rehabilitation of Partially Edentulous Atrophic Arches: A Retrospective Study on 122 Implants with a 3- to 7-Year Follow-up.

Pistilli R, Simion M, Barausse C, Gasparro R, Pistilli V, Bellini P, Felice P.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. Sep/Oct 2020;40(5):685-692.

Vertical ridge augmentation (VRA) with Ti-reinforced d-PTFE membranes or Ti meshes and collagen membranes: 1-year results of a randomized clinical trial.

Cucchi A, Vignudelli E, Fiorino A, Pellegrino G, Corinaldesi G.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2020 Oct 5. <Epub ahead of print>

Efficacy of Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Avila-Ortiz G, Gubler M, Romero-Bustillos M, Nicholas CL, Zimmerman MB, Barwacz CA.

J Dent Res. 2020 Apr;99(4):402-409.

Regeneration of Peri-implantitis Infrabony Defects: Report on Three Cases.

Wen SC, Huang WX, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):615-621.

Healing Dynamics Following Alveolar Ridge Preservation with Autologous Tooth Structure.

Mazor Z, Horowitz RA, Prasad H, Kotsakis GA.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):697-702.

Periosteal Inhibition Technique for Alveolar Ridge Preservation as It Applies to Implant Therapy.

Nguyen V, von Krockow N, Pouchet J, Weigl PM.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):737-744.

Alveolar ridge preservation with d-ptfe membrane a randomized controlled trial.

Mohammed Sabe-Alarab, Hussein AL-Essa, Fawaz Jaber, Yaman Shomal and Jehad Kharfan.

Int J Recent Sci Res. 10(09), pp.34658-34664.

A Proposal of Pseudo-periosteum Classification After GBR by Means of Titanium-Reinforced d-PTFE Membranes or Titanium Meshes Plus Cross-Linked Collagen Membranes.

Cucchi A, Sartori M, Aldini NN, Vignudelli E, Corinaldesi G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jul/Aug;39(4):e157-e165.

Ridge Architecture Preservation Following Minimally Traumatic Exodontia Techniques and Guided Tissue Regeneration.

Faciola Pessôa de Oliveira PG, Pedroso Bergamo ET, Bordin D, Arbex L, Konrad D, Gil LF, Neiva R, Tovar N, Witek L, Coelho PG.

Implant Dent. 2019 Aug;28(4):319-328.

The Extraction Socket Management Continuum: A Hierarchical Approach to Dental Implant Site Development.

A Cheng, J Berridge, R McGary, K Erley, T Johnson.

Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2019.

Effectiveness of vertical ridge augmentation interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Urban I, Montero E, Monje A, Sanz-Sánchez I.

J Clin Periodontol. 2019 Jun;46 Suppl 21:319-339.

Buccal bone thickness adjacent to virtual dental implants following guided bone regeneration.

Phillips DJ, Swenson DT, Johnson TM.

J Periodontol. 2019 Jun;90(6):595-607.

Primary closure versus open membrane technique in augmentation of deficient alveolar ridges

N. Altiparmak Ss. Akdeniz

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg., Vol. 48, Supplement 1, 43, May 01, 2019.

Retrospective Analysis of the Outcome of Ridge Preservation with Anorganic Bovine Bone Mineral: Marginal Bone Level at Implants Placed Following Healing of Grafted Extraction Sockets.

Wu IH, Bakhshalian N, Galaustian R, Naini RB, Min S, Freire M, Zadeh HH.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jan/Feb;39(1):131-140.

A Case Series of Vertical Ridge Augmentation Using a Nonresorbable Membrane: A Multicenter Study.


Mendoza-Azpur G, Gallo P, Mayta-Tovalino F, Alva R, Valdivia E.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Nov/Dec;38(6):811-816.

Alveolar ridge preservation using a non-resorbable membrane: randomized clinical trial with biomolecular analysis.

D Mandarino, D Luz V Moraschini, D M Rodrigues, E S P Barboza.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 Nov;47(11):1465-1473.

A Histologic and Histomorphometric Retrospective Analysis of the Outcomes of Ridge Preservation Using Anorganic Bovine Bone Minerals and a Nonresorbable Membrane.

Min S, Freire M, Bakshallian N, Wu I, Zadeh HH.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 September/October;38(5):637–644.

Cytocone Procedure: Conservative Repair of a Buccal Plate Dehiscence in Preparation for Implant Placement.

Changi KK, Greenstein G.

Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2018 May;39(5):294-299.

Decision Tree for Vertical Ridge Augmentation.


Plonka AB, Urban IA, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Mar/Apr;38(2):269-275.

Tunnel Access for Guided Bone Regeneration in the Maxillary Anterior.

Johnson M, Baron D.

Clinical Advances in Periodontics. Vol 8. No 1. March 2018.

Effectiveness of Two Different Lingual Flap Advancing Techniques for Vertical Bone Augmentation in the Posterior Mandible: A Comparative, Split-Mouth Cadaver Study.


Urban I, Traxler H, Romero-Bustillos M, Farkasdi S, Bartee B, Baksa G, Avila-Ortiz G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Jan/Feb;38(1):35-40.

Protocol for Maintaining Alveolar Ridge Volume in Molar Immediate Implant Sites.

Johnson TM, Berridge JP, Baron D.

Clinical Advances in Periodontics. November 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 207-214.

Safe New Approach to the Lingual Flap Management in Mandibular Augmentation Procedures: The Digitoclastic Technique.

Pistilli R, Checchi V, Sammartino G, Simion M, Felice P.

Implant Dent. 2017 Oct;26(5):790-795.

Principles for Vertical Ridge Augmentation in the Atrophic Posterior Mandible: A Technical Review.


Urban IA, Monje A, Lozada J, Wang HL

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017 Sep/Oct;37(5):639-645.

Ridge preservation/restoration using d-PTFE membranes.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Inspyred: The alternative EAO voice. Volume 6, Issue 1: Summer 2018.

Management of the exposure of a dense PTFE (d-PTFE) membrane in guided bone regeneration (GBR): a case report.


Ghensi P, Stablum W, Bettio E, Soldini MC, Tripi TR, Soldini C.

Oral Implantol (Rome). 2017 Jul-Sep; 10(3): 335–342.

Extraction and Ridge Preservation Followed by Delayed Implant Placement of a Second Mandibular Molar with Proximity to the Inferior Alveolar Nerve.


Bronstein D, Garashi M, Kravchenko D.

Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 4(3), 434-438.

Ridge Preservation using Porcine Xenograft and dPTFE Membrane.

Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, DDS, Ms, PhD, Chris Barwacz, DDS, FAGD

Alveolar Ridge Preservation with nc-HA and d-PTFE Membrane: A Clinical, Histologic, and Histomorphometric Study.

Laurito D, Lollobrigida M, Gianno F, Bosco S, Lamazza L, De Biase A.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017 Mar/Apr;37(2):283-290.

Evaluation of Healing at Molar Extraction Sites With and Without Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.

Walker CJ, Prihoda TJ, Mealey BL, Lasho DJ, Noujeim M, Huynh-Ba G.

J Periodontol. 2017 Mar;88(3):241-249.

Renewed non-resorbable membranes - Bone augmentation techniques.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Dentista, February 2017.

Socket Preservation with d-PTFE Membrane: Histologic Analysis of the Newly Formed Matrix at Membrane Removal.


Laurito D, Cugnetto R, Lollobrigida M, Guerra F, Vestri A, Gianno F, Bosco S, Lamazza L, De Biase A.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2016 Nov/Dec;36(6):877-883.

Surgical Management of Significant Maxillary Anterior Vertical Ridge Defects.


Urban IA, Monje A, Nevins M, Nevins ML, Lozada JL, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2016 May-Jun;36(3):329-37.

Management of d-PTFE Membrane Exposure for Having Final Clinical Success.

Maridati PC, Cremonesi S, Fontana F, Cicciù M, Maiorana C.

J Oral Implantol. 2016 Jun;42(3):289-91.

A Novel Approach for the Coronal Advancement of the Buccal Flap.


Ronda M, Stacchi C.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Nov-Dec;35(6):795-801.

Vertical Ridge Augmentation and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Anterior Atrophic Maxillae: A Case Series.


Urban IA, Monje A, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Sep-Oct;35(5):613-23.

Utilization of d-PTFE Barriers for Post-Extraction Bone Regeneration in Preparation for Dental Implants.

Greenstein G, Carpentieri JR.

Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2015 Jul-Aug;36(7):465-73.

Histomorphometric analysis of bone regeneration using a dual layer of membranes (dPTFE placed over collagen) in fresh extraction sites: a canine model.

Al-Hezaimi K, Iezzi G, Rudek I, Al-Daafas A, Al-Hamdan K, Al-Rasheed A, Javed F, Piattelli A, Wang HL.

J Oral Implantol. 2015 Apr;41(2):188-95.

Bone regeneration around implants placed in fresh extraction sockets covered with a dual-layer PTFE/collagen membrane: an experimental study in dogs.

Tovar N, Jimbo R, Marin C, Witek L, Suzuki M, Bonfante EA, Coelho PG.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2014 Nov-Dec;34(6):849-55.

Coronal Advancement of the Lingual Flap.

Dr. Paolo Rossetti

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

Treatment of an Infected Exposure of a Dense Polytetrafluoroethylene Membrane in a Vertical Guided Bone Regeneration Procedure: A Protocol Proposal.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

The Pros of the Staged Approach in Vertical Guided Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Mandibular Atrophy.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

Horizontal and Vertical Bone Augmentation with Titanium Reinforced d-PTFE Membranes: Case Series in 8 Patients.

Cakir S., Gultekin B.A., Cinar I.C., Guven G., Saglanmak A., Karabuda Z.C., Yalcin S.

Presented at the EAO in Rome Italy, September 25-27 2014

Longitudinal Implant Stability Measurements Based on Resonance Frequency Analysis After Placement in Healed or Regenerated Bone

Deli G, Petrone V, De Risi V, Tadic D, Zafiropoulos GG.

J Oral Implantol. 2014 Aug;40(4):438-47.

Evaluation of a dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane to increase keratinized tissue: a randomized controlled clinical trial.

Barboza EP, Stutz B, Mandarino D, Rodrigues DM, Ferreira VF.

Implant Dent. 2014 Jun;23(3):289-94.

Esthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth Following Traumatic Avulsion

André CorreiaDMD, PhD , Manuel Neves DMD ; Zsolt Kovacs LDT

Presented at the ITI World Symposium in Geneva, April 24 - 26, 2014

Exposure of a dense PTFE Membrane in a GBR Procedure: Proposal of a Treatment Protocol.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the Italian Society of Osseointegration XXII International Congress in Milan Italy, February 7-8, 2014

Non-resorbable membranes.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Tandartspraktijk | Volume 35, 1, January 2014 | Bohn Stafleu van Loghum

High-density polytetrafluoroethylene membranes in guided bone and tissue regeneration procedures: a literature review.

Carbonell JM, Martin IS, Santos A, Pujol A, Sanz-Moliner JD, Nart J.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Jan;43(1):75-84.

Efficacy of using a dual layer of membrane (dPTFE placed over collagen) for ridge preservation in fresh extraction sites: a micro-computed tomographic study in dogs.

Al-Hezaimi K, Rudek I, Al-Hamdan KS, Javed F, Nooh N, Wang HL.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013 Oct;24(10):1152-7.

Surgical techniques for alveolar socket preservation: a systematic review.

Vittorini Orgeas G, Clementini M, De Risi V, de Sanctis M.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013 Jul-Aug;28(4):1049-61.

Socket preservation and sinus augmentation using a medical grade calcium sulfate hemihydrate and mineralized irradiated cancellous bone allograft composite.

Bagoff R, Mamidwar S, Chesnoiu-Matei I, Ricci J, Alexander H, Tovar N.

J Oral Implantol. 2013 Jun;39(3):363-71.

Implant placement and immediate loading with fixed restorations in augmented sockets. Five year results. A case report.

Zafiropoulos GG, Deli G, Vittorini G, Hoffmann O,

J Oral Implantol. 2013; 39:372-379

Horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation in localized alveolar deficient sites: A retrospective case series.

Annibali S, Bignozzi I, Sammartino G, La Monaca G, Cristalli MP.

Implant Dent. 2012 Jun;21(3):175-185

Immediate implant placement in fresh mandibular molar extraction socket: 8 year results.

Immediate implant placement in fresh mandibular molar extraction socket: 8 year results.

J Oral Implantol. 2010;36(2):145-151.

Minimally invasive alveolar ridge preservation/augmentation procedure (Open Barrier Membrane Technique)

Yamashita M, Horita S, Takei N, Sasada Y, Shibato W, Ishikawa Y, Takao K, Maki K, Funakoshi E.

Presented at the 2010 Research Forum Poster Session. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in Honolulu, HI. October 30 - November 2, 2010.

Guided bone regeneration using two types of non-resorbable barrier membranes.

Lee JY, Kim YK, Yun PY, Oh JS, Kim SG.

J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;36:275-9.

Single-tooth implant placement and loading in fresh and regenerated extraction sockets. Five-year results.

Zafiropoulos GG, Deli G, Bartee BK, Hoffman O.

J Periodontol. 2010;81:604-15.

Mandibular molar root resection versus implant therapy: A retrospective nonrandomized study.

Zafiropoulos GG, Hoffmann O, Kasaj A, Willershausen B, Deli G, Tatakis DN.

J Oral Implantol. 2009;35:52-62.

Soft tissue enhancement using non-expanded PTFE membranes without primary closure.

Barboza EP, Francisco BS, Ferreira VF.

Presented at the 2008 Research Forum Poster Session. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in Seattle, WA, September 6-9, 2008.

Alveolar bone preservation in extraction sockets using non-resorbable dPTFE membranes: A retrospective non-randomized study.

Hoffman O, Bartee BK, Beaumont C, Kasaj A, Deli G, Zafiropoulos GG.

J Periodontol. 2008;79:1355-1369.

Using a dense PTFE membrane without primary closure to achieve bone and tissue regeneration.

Barber HD, Lignelli J, Smith BM, Bartee BK.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007;65:748-752.

Healing Pattern of Bone Defects Covered by Different Membrane Types—A Histologic Study in the Porcine Mandible

Strietzel FP, Khongkhunthian P, Khattiya R, Patchanee P, Reichart PA.

J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2006 Jul;78(1):35-46.

Comparison of porous and non-porous teflon membranes plus a xenograft in the treatment of vertical osseous defects: A clinical reentry study.

Walters SP, Greenwell H, Hill M, Drisko C, Pickman K, Scheetz JP.

J Periodontol. 2003;74:1161-1168.

Collagen Membranes

Horizontal Guided Bone Regeneration of the Posterior Mandible to Allow Implant Placement: 1-Year Prospective Study Results.


Lorenz J, Ghanaati S, Aleksic Z, Milinkovic I, Lazic Z, Magić M, Wessing B, Grotenclos RS, Merli M, Mariotti G, Bressan E, De Stavola L, Sader R.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2025 Jan;36(1):100-116.

Clinical efficacy in the treatment of critical defects of the alveoloar process using cortical bone allografts.


Erik Regidor, Sergio Morante, Ramon Lorenzo, Esperanza Gross, Alberto Ortiz-Vigon.

Periodoncia Clinica. 02. 2021/19.

Clinical, histological and histomorphometrical evaluation of a new porcine xenograft utilized in bone augmentation procedures: a case series.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona Spain, April 25 - 27, 2019

Histomorphometric analysis of bone regeneration using a dual layer of membranes (dPTFE placed over collagen) in fresh extraction sites: a canine model.

Al-Hezaimi K, Iezzi G, Rudek I, Al-Daafas A, Al-Hamdan K, Al-Rasheed A, Javed F, Piattelli A, Wang HL.

J Oral Implantol. 2015 Apr;41(2):188-95.

Bone regeneration around implants placed in fresh extraction sockets covered with a dual-layer PTFE/collagen membrane: an experimental study in dogs.

Tovar N, Jimbo R, Marin C, Witek L, Suzuki M, Bonfante EA, Coelho PG.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2014 Nov-Dec;34(6):849-55.

Treatment of an Infected Exposure of a Dense Polytetrafluoroethylene Membrane in a Vertical Guided Bone Regeneration Procedure: A Protocol Proposal.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

The Pros of the Staged Approach in Vertical Guided Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Mandibular Atrophy.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

Exposure of a dense PTFE Membrane in a GBR Procedure: Proposal of a Treatment Protocol.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the Italian Society of Osseointegration XXII International Congress in Milan Italy, February 7-8, 2014

Efficacy of using a dual layer of membrane (dPTFE placed over collagen) for ridge preservation in fresh extraction sites: a micro-computed tomographic study in dogs.

Al-Hezaimi K, Rudek I, Al-Hamdan KS, Javed F, Nooh N, Wang HL.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013 Oct;24(10):1152-7.

Guided Bone Regeneration in Long-Bone Defects with a Structural Hydroxyapatite Graft and Collagen Membrane.

Guda T, Walker JA, Singleton BM, Hernandez JW, Son JS, Kim SG, Oh DS, Appleford MR, Ong JL, Wenke JC.

Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 Sep;19(17-18):1879-88. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2012.0057. Epub 2012 Sep 14.

Evaluation of collagen-based membranes for guided bone regeneration, by three-dimensional computerized microtomography.

Coelho PG, Giro G, Kim W, Granato R, Marin C, Bonfante EA, Bonfante S, Lilin T, Suzuki M.

Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012 Oct;114(4):437-43.

Bone Morphometric Evaluation around Immediately Placed Implants Covered with Porcine-Derived Pericardium Membrane: An Experimental Study in Dogs.

Jimbo R, Marin C, Witek L, Suzuki M, Tovar N, Chesnoiu-Matei I, Dragan IF, Coelho PG.

Int J Biomater. 2012;2012:279167.

Ridge Augmentation Mesh

Impact of Collagen Membrane in Vertical Ridge Augmentation Using Ti-Reinforced PTFE Mesh: A Randomised Controlled Trial


Urban IA, Serroni M, Dias DR, Baráth Z, Forster A, Araújo TG, Saleh MHA, Cucchi A, Ravidà A.

J Clin Periodontol. 2025 Feb 14.

Simultaneous Alveolar Ridge Augmentation and Periodontal Regenerative Therapy Leveraging Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB (rhPDGF-BB): A Case Report.

Urban IA, Tattan M, Ravida A, Saleh MH, Tavelli L, Avila-Ortiz G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2022 September/October;42(5):577–585.

Vertical bone augmentation utilizing a titanium-reinforced PTFE mesh: A multi-variate analysis of influencing factors.

Urban IA, Saleh MHA, Ravidà A, Forster A, Wang HL, Barath Z.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2021 Jul;32(7):828-839.

Effectiveness of vertical ridge augmentation interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Urban I, Montero E, Monje A, Sanz-Sánchez I.

J Clin Periodontol. 2019 Jun;46 Suppl 21:319-339.

Collagen Wound Dressing

Allograft Bone Substitutes

Evaluation of a Minimally Invasive Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction Approach in Postextraction Dehiscence Defects: A Case Series.

Antonious M, Couso-Queiruga E, Barwacz C, González-Martín O, Avila-Ortiz G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2021 May-Jun;41(3):335-345.

A Proposal of Pseudo-periosteum Classification After GBR by Means of Titanium-Reinforced d-PTFE Membranes or Titanium Meshes Plus Cross-Linked Collagen Membranes.

Cucchi A, Sartori M, Aldini NN, Vignudelli E, Corinaldesi G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jul/Aug;39(4):e157-e165.

The Pros of the Staged Approach in Vertical Guided Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Mandibular Atrophy.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

Exposure of a dense PTFE Membrane in a GBR Procedure: Proposal of a Treatment Protocol.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the Italian Society of Osseointegration XXII International Congress in Milan Italy, February 7-8, 2014

Xenograft Bone Substitutes

Clinical, histological and histomorphometrical evaluation of a new porcine xenograft utilized in bone augmentation procedures: a case series.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona Spain, April 25 - 27, 2019

Ridge Preservation using Porcine Xenograft and dPTFE Membrane.

Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, DDS, Ms, PhD, Chris Barwacz, DDS, FAGD

Alloplast Synthetic Bone Substitutes

Osseodensification Crestal Sinus Floor Elevation with or without Synthetic and Resorbable Calcium Phosphosilicate Putty.

Rodrigo Neiva, D.D.S, M.S., Bruna Tanello, D.D.S., Wagner Duarte, D.D.S., PhD, Fred Silva D.D.S., Srinivas Katta, D.D.S., Salah Huwais, D.D.S.

Presented at 2017 EAO Congress, Madrid

Evaluation of the bone regeneration potential of bioactive glass in implant site development surgeries: a systematic review of the literature.

Ioannou AL, Kotsakis GA, Kumar T, Hinrichs JE, Romanos G.

Clin Oral Investig. 2015 Mar;19(2):181-91

Clinical and cone beam computed tomography comparison of NovaBone Dental Putty and PerioGlas in the treatment of mandibular Class II furcations.

Asmita, Gupta V, Bains VK, Singh GP, Jhingran R.

Indian J Dent Res. 2014 Mar-Apr;25(2):166-73.

Sinus Augmentation Utilizing Calcium Phosphosilicate Biomaterial Followed by Delayed Implant Rehabilitation: Radiological and Clinical Analyses.


Rayapati Dilip Kumar, Honey Verma, NT Prashanth, ES Shobha

IJOICR. September-December 2013;4(3):102-107

Non-Absorbable Sutures

Guided bone regeneration in staged vertical and horizontal bone augmentation using platelet-rich fibrin associated with bone grafts: a retrospective clinical study.


Amaral Valladão CA Jr, Freitas Monteiro M, Joly JC.

Int J Implant Dent. 2020 Oct 17;6(1):72.

A Case Series of Vertical Ridge Augmentation Using a Nonresorbable Membrane: A Multicenter Study.


Mendoza-Azpur G, Gallo P, Mayta-Tovalino F, Alva R, Valdivia E.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Nov/Dec;38(6):811-816.

Ridge Preservation using Porcine Xenograft and dPTFE Membrane.

Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, DDS, Ms, PhD, Chris Barwacz, DDS, FAGD

Physical and Mechanical Evaluation of Five Suture Materials on Three Knot Configurations: An in Vitro Study.

Desire Abellán, José Nart, Andrés Pascual, Robert E. Cohen, Javier D. Sanz-Moliner.

Polymers; 2016, 8(4), 147.

Treatment of an Infected Exposure of a Dense Polytetrafluoroethylene Membrane in a Vertical Guided Bone Regeneration Procedure: A Protocol Proposal.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

Suturing for optimal soft-tissue management.

Silverstein LH, Kurtzman GM, Shatz PC.

J Oral Implantol. 2009;35:82-90.

Soft tissue enhancement using non-expanded PTFE membranes without primary closure.

Barboza EP, Francisco BS, Ferreira VF.

Presented at the 2008 Research Forum Poster Session. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in Seattle, WA, September 6-9, 2008.

Absorbable Sutures

Physical and Mechanical Evaluation of Five Suture Materials on Three Knot Configurations: An in Vitro Study.

Desire Abellán, José Nart, Andrés Pascual, Robert E. Cohen, Javier D. Sanz-Moliner.

Polymers; 2016, 8(4), 147.

Suturing for optimal soft-tissue management.

Silverstein LH, Kurtzman GM, Shatz PC.

J Oral Implantol. 2009;35:82-90.

Fixation & Tenting Systems

Vertical Ridge Augmentation Around Dental Implants With the Use of a Dense PTFE Membrane to Correct Previously Failed Augmentations.

Soldatos N, Garcia M, Umoh E, Irizarry A, Weltman R.

Clin Adv Periodontics. 2021 Sep 23.

Guided bone regeneration in staged vertical and horizontal bone augmentation using platelet-rich fibrin associated with bone grafts: a retrospective clinical study.


Amaral Valladão CA Jr, Freitas Monteiro M, Joly JC.

Int J Implant Dent. 2020 Oct 17;6(1):72.

Clinical efficacy in the treatment of critical defects of the alveoloar process using cortical bone allografts.


Erik Regidor, Sergio Morante, Ramon Lorenzo, Esperanza Gross, Alberto Ortiz-Vigon.

Periodoncia Clinica. 02. 2021/19.

Vertical ridge augmentation (VRA) with the use of a cross-linked resorbable membrane, tenting screws, and a combination grafting technique: a report of three cases.

Soldatos N, Al Ramli R, Nelson-Rabe L, Fergusson B, Soldatos K, Weltman R.

Quintessence Int. 2020 Oct 28:2-13.

A Proposal of Pseudo-periosteum Classification After GBR by Means of Titanium-Reinforced d-PTFE Membranes or Titanium Meshes Plus Cross-Linked Collagen Membranes.

Cucchi A, Sartori M, Aldini NN, Vignudelli E, Corinaldesi G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jul/Aug;39(4):e157-e165.

Lateral alveolar ridge augmentation using tenting screws, acellular dermal matrix, and freeze-dried bone allograft alone or with particulate autogenous bone.

Caldwell GR, Mills MP, Finlayson R, Mealey BL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Jan-Feb;35(1):75-83.

Bone Harvesting Instruments

Clinical, histological and histomorphometrical evaluation of a new porcine xenograft utilized in bone augmentation procedures: a case series.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona Spain, April 25 - 27, 2019

The Pros of the Staged Approach in Vertical Guided Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Mandibular Atrophy.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

Exposure of a dense PTFE Membrane in a GBR Procedure: Proposal of a Treatment Protocol.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the Italian Society of Osseointegration XXII International Congress in Milan Italy, February 7-8, 2014

Intra-oral bone harvesting: two methods compared using histological and histomorphometric assessments.

Bacci C, Lucchiari N, Valente M, Della Barbera M, Frigo AC, Berengo M.

Clin Oral Impl. Res. 2011 Jun;22(6):600-5

Sinus graft with Safescraper: 5-year results.

Caubet J, Petzold C, Sáez-Torres C, Morey M, Iriarte JI, Sánchez J, Torres JJ, Ramis JM, Monjo M.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011; Feb;69(2):482-90.

Maxillary sinus floor augmentation and simultaneous implant placement using locally harvested autogenous bone chips and bone debris.

Johansson LA, Isaksson S, Lindh C, Becktor J, Sennerby L.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;68:837-844.

Maxillary sinus augmentation with autologous bone harvested from the lateral maxillary wall combined with bovine-derived hydroxyapatite.

de Vicente JC, Herna ́ndez-Vallejo G, Bran ̃a-Abascal P, Pen ̃ a I.

Clin Oral Impl. Res. 2010 Apr 1;21(4):430-8.

GBR and autogenous cortical bone particulate by bone scraper for alveolar ridge augmentation: A 2 case report.

Trombelli L, Farina R, Marzola A, Itro A, Calura G.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2008;23:111-116.

Sinus elevation by in situ utilization of bone scrapers: technique and results.

Martos-Díaz P, Naval-Gías L, Sastre-Pérez J, González-García R, Bances- del Castillo F, Mancha-de la Plata M, Galindo-Moreno P, Muñoz-Guerra M.

Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2007 Nov 1;12(7):E537-41.

A novel bone scraper for intraoral harvesting: A device for filling small bone defects.

Zaffe D, D'Avenia F.

Clin Oral Implants Res 2007;18:525-533.

Ridge Preservation

Clinical Classification of Healing Complications and Management in Guided Bone Regeneration Procedures with a Nonresorbable d-PTFE Membrane

Vroom MG, Gründemann LJ, Gallo P.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2022 May-Jun;42(3):419-427. 

Postextraction ridge preservation by using dense PTFE membranes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Chatzopoulos GS, Koidou VP, Sonnenberger M, Johnson D, Chu H, Wolff LF.

J Prosthet Dent. 2022 Apr 8:S0022-3913(22)00151-2.

Peri-implant diseases: Current understanding and management.

Barootchi S, Wang HL.

Int J Oral Implantol (Berl). 2021 Aug 20;14(3):263-282.

Evaluation of a Minimally Invasive Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction Approach in Postextraction Dehiscence Defects: A Case Series.

Antonious M, Couso-Queiruga E, Barwacz C, González-Martín O, Avila-Ortiz G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2021 May-Jun;41(3):335-345.

Evaluation of healing at molar extraction sites with ridge preservation using a non-resorbable dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane: A four-arm cohort prospective study.

Al Hugail AM, Mealey BL, Walker C, Al Harthi S, Duong M, Noujeim M, Lasho DJ, Prihoda TJ, Huynh-Ba G.

Clin Exp Dent Res. 2021 Jun 6. Epub ahead of print.

Efficacy of Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Avila-Ortiz G, Gubler M, Romero-Bustillos M, Nicholas CL, Zimmerman MB, Barwacz CA.

J Dent Res. 2020 Apr;99(4):402-409.

Healing Dynamics Following Alveolar Ridge Preservation with Autologous Tooth Structure.

Mazor Z, Horowitz RA, Prasad H, Kotsakis GA.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):697-702.

Periosteal Inhibition Technique for Alveolar Ridge Preservation as It Applies to Implant Therapy.

Nguyen V, von Krockow N, Pouchet J, Weigl PM.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):737-744.

Alveolar ridge preservation with d-ptfe membrane a randomized controlled trial.

Mohammed Sabe-Alarab, Hussein AL-Essa, Fawaz Jaber, Yaman Shomal and Jehad Kharfan.

Int J Recent Sci Res. 10(09), pp.34658-34664.

Ridge Architecture Preservation Following Minimally Traumatic Exodontia Techniques and Guided Tissue Regeneration.

Faciola Pessôa de Oliveira PG, Pedroso Bergamo ET, Bordin D, Arbex L, Konrad D, Gil LF, Neiva R, Tovar N, Witek L, Coelho PG.

Implant Dent. 2019 Aug;28(4):319-328.

The Extraction Socket Management Continuum: A Hierarchical Approach to Dental Implant Site Development.

A Cheng, J Berridge, R McGary, K Erley, T Johnson.

Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2019.

Buccal bone thickness adjacent to virtual dental implants following guided bone regeneration.

Phillips DJ, Swenson DT, Johnson TM.

J Periodontol. 2019 Jun;90(6):595-607.

Primary closure versus open membrane technique in augmentation of deficient alveolar ridges

N. Altiparmak Ss. Akdeniz

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg., Vol. 48, Supplement 1, 43, May 01, 2019.

Retrospective Analysis of the Outcome of Ridge Preservation with Anorganic Bovine Bone Mineral: Marginal Bone Level at Implants Placed Following Healing of Grafted Extraction Sockets.

Wu IH, Bakhshalian N, Galaustian R, Naini RB, Min S, Freire M, Zadeh HH.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jan/Feb;39(1):131-140.

Alveolar ridge preservation using a non-resorbable membrane: randomized clinical trial with biomolecular analysis.

D Mandarino, D Luz V Moraschini, D M Rodrigues, E S P Barboza.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 Nov;47(11):1465-1473.

A Histologic and Histomorphometric Retrospective Analysis of the Outcomes of Ridge Preservation Using Anorganic Bovine Bone Minerals and a Nonresorbable Membrane.

Min S, Freire M, Bakshallian N, Wu I, Zadeh HH.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 September/October;38(5):637–644.

Cytocone Procedure: Conservative Repair of a Buccal Plate Dehiscence in Preparation for Implant Placement.

Changi KK, Greenstein G.

Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2018 May;39(5):294-299.

Protocol for Maintaining Alveolar Ridge Volume in Molar Immediate Implant Sites.

Johnson TM, Berridge JP, Baron D.

Clinical Advances in Periodontics. November 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 207-214.

Ridge preservation/restoration using d-PTFE membranes.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Inspyred: The alternative EAO voice. Volume 6, Issue 1: Summer 2018.

Extraction and Ridge Preservation Followed by Delayed Implant Placement of a Second Mandibular Molar with Proximity to the Inferior Alveolar Nerve.


Bronstein D, Garashi M, Kravchenko D.

Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 4(3), 434-438.

Ridge Preservation using Porcine Xenograft and dPTFE Membrane.

Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, DDS, Ms, PhD, Chris Barwacz, DDS, FAGD

Alveolar Ridge Preservation with nc-HA and d-PTFE Membrane: A Clinical, Histologic, and Histomorphometric Study.

Laurito D, Lollobrigida M, Gianno F, Bosco S, Lamazza L, De Biase A.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017 Mar/Apr;37(2):283-290.

Evaluation of Healing at Molar Extraction Sites With and Without Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.

Walker CJ, Prihoda TJ, Mealey BL, Lasho DJ, Noujeim M, Huynh-Ba G.

J Periodontol. 2017 Mar;88(3):241-249.

Renewed non-resorbable membranes - Bone augmentation techniques.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Dentista, February 2017.

Socket Preservation with d-PTFE Membrane: Histologic Analysis of the Newly Formed Matrix at Membrane Removal.


Laurito D, Cugnetto R, Lollobrigida M, Guerra F, Vestri A, Gianno F, Bosco S, Lamazza L, De Biase A.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2016 Nov/Dec;36(6):877-883.

Utilization of d-PTFE Barriers for Post-Extraction Bone Regeneration in Preparation for Dental Implants.

Greenstein G, Carpentieri JR.

Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2015 Jul-Aug;36(7):465-73.

Histomorphometric analysis of bone regeneration using a dual layer of membranes (dPTFE placed over collagen) in fresh extraction sites: a canine model.

Al-Hezaimi K, Iezzi G, Rudek I, Al-Daafas A, Al-Hamdan K, Al-Rasheed A, Javed F, Piattelli A, Wang HL.

J Oral Implantol. 2015 Apr;41(2):188-95.

Bone regeneration around implants placed in fresh extraction sockets covered with a dual-layer PTFE/collagen membrane: an experimental study in dogs.

Tovar N, Jimbo R, Marin C, Witek L, Suzuki M, Bonfante EA, Coelho PG.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2014 Nov-Dec;34(6):849-55.

Longitudinal Implant Stability Measurements Based on Resonance Frequency Analysis After Placement in Healed or Regenerated Bone

Deli G, Petrone V, De Risi V, Tadic D, Zafiropoulos GG.

J Oral Implantol. 2014 Aug;40(4):438-47.

Evaluation of a dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane to increase keratinized tissue: a randomized controlled clinical trial.

Barboza EP, Stutz B, Mandarino D, Rodrigues DM, Ferreira VF.

Implant Dent. 2014 Jun;23(3):289-94.

Non-resorbable membranes.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Tandartspraktijk | Volume 35, 1, January 2014 | Bohn Stafleu van Loghum

High-density polytetrafluoroethylene membranes in guided bone and tissue regeneration procedures: a literature review.

Carbonell JM, Martin IS, Santos A, Pujol A, Sanz-Moliner JD, Nart J.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Jan;43(1):75-84.

Efficacy of using a dual layer of membrane (dPTFE placed over collagen) for ridge preservation in fresh extraction sites: a micro-computed tomographic study in dogs.

Al-Hezaimi K, Rudek I, Al-Hamdan KS, Javed F, Nooh N, Wang HL.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013 Oct;24(10):1152-7.

Surgical techniques for alveolar socket preservation: a systematic review.

Vittorini Orgeas G, Clementini M, De Risi V, de Sanctis M.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2013 Jul-Aug;28(4):1049-61.

Implant placement and immediate loading with fixed restorations in augmented sockets. Five year results. A case report.

Zafiropoulos GG, Deli G, Vittorini G, Hoffmann O,

J Oral Implantol. 2013; 39:372-379

Socket preservation and sinus augmentation using a medical grade calcium sulfate hemihydrate and mineralized irradiated cancellous bone allograft composite.

Bagoff R, Mamidwar S, Chesnoiu-Matei I, Ricci J, Alexander H, Tovar N.

J Oral Implantol. 2013 Jun;39(3):363-71.

Bone Morphometric Evaluation around Immediately Placed Implants Covered with Porcine-Derived Pericardium Membrane: An Experimental Study in Dogs.

Jimbo R, Marin C, Witek L, Suzuki M, Tovar N, Chesnoiu-Matei I, Dragan IF, Coelho PG.

Int J Biomater. 2012;2012:279167.

Immediate implant placement in fresh mandibular molar extraction socket: 8 year results.

Immediate implant placement in fresh mandibular molar extraction socket: 8 year results.

J Oral Implantol. 2010;36(2):145-151.

Guided bone regeneration using two types of non-resorbable barrier membranes.

Lee JY, Kim YK, Yun PY, Oh JS, Kim SG.

J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;36:275-9.

Single-tooth implant placement and loading in fresh and regenerated extraction sockets. Five-year results.

Zafiropoulos GG, Deli G, Bartee BK, Hoffman O.

J Periodontol. 2010;81:604-15.

Mandibular molar root resection versus implant therapy: A retrospective nonrandomized study.

Zafiropoulos GG, Hoffmann O, Kasaj A, Willershausen B, Deli G, Tatakis DN.

J Oral Implantol. 2009;35:52-62.

Soft tissue enhancement using non-expanded PTFE membranes without primary closure.

Barboza EP, Francisco BS, Ferreira VF.

Presented at the 2008 Research Forum Poster Session. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in Seattle, WA, September 6-9, 2008.

Alveolar bone preservation in extraction sockets using non-resorbable dPTFE membranes: A retrospective non-randomized study.

Hoffman O, Bartee BK, Beaumont C, Kasaj A, Deli G, Zafiropoulos GG.

J Periodontol. 2008;79:1355-1369.

A novel bone scraper for intraoral harvesting: A device for filling small bone defects.

Zaffe D, D'Avenia F.

Clin Oral Implants Res 2007;18:525-533.

Using a dense PTFE membrane without primary closure to achieve bone and tissue regeneration.

Barber HD, Lignelli J, Smith BM, Bartee BK.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007;65:748-752.

Horizontal and Vertical Ridge Augmentation

Horizontal Guided Bone Regeneration of the Posterior Mandible to Allow Implant Placement: 1-Year Prospective Study Results.


Lorenz J, Ghanaati S, Aleksic Z, Milinkovic I, Lazic Z, Magić M, Wessing B, Grotenclos RS, Merli M, Mariotti G, Bressan E, De Stavola L, Sader R.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2025 Jan;36(1):100-116.

Impact of Collagen Membrane in Vertical Ridge Augmentation Using Ti-Reinforced PTFE Mesh: A Randomised Controlled Trial


Urban IA, Serroni M, Dias DR, Baráth Z, Forster A, Araújo TG, Saleh MHA, Cucchi A, Ravidà A.

J Clin Periodontol. 2025 Feb 14.

Clinical Classification of Healing Complications and Management in Guided Bone Regeneration Procedures with a Nonresorbable d-PTFE Membrane

Vroom MG, Gründemann LJ, Gallo P.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2022 May-Jun;42(3):419-427. 

Simultaneous Alveolar Ridge Augmentation and Periodontal Regenerative Therapy Leveraging Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB (rhPDGF-BB): A Case Report.

Urban IA, Tattan M, Ravida A, Saleh MH, Tavelli L, Avila-Ortiz G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2022 September/October;42(5):577–585.

Vertical Ridge Augmentation Around Dental Implants With the Use of a Dense PTFE Membrane to Correct Previously Failed Augmentations.

Soldatos N, Garcia M, Umoh E, Irizarry A, Weltman R.

Clin Adv Periodontics. 2021 Sep 23.

Peri-implant diseases: Current understanding and management.

Barootchi S, Wang HL.

Int J Oral Implantol (Berl). 2021 Aug 20;14(3):263-282.

Vertical bone augmentation utilizing a titanium-reinforced PTFE mesh: A multi-variate analysis of influencing factors.

Urban IA, Saleh MHA, Ravidà A, Forster A, Wang HL, Barath Z.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2021 Jul;32(7):828-839.

Dense Polytetrafluoroethylene Membrane versus Titanium Mesh in Vertical Ridge Augmentation: Clinical and Histological Results of a Split-mouth Prospective Study.

Maiorana C, Fontana F, dal Polo MR, Pieroni S, Ferrantino L, Poli PP, Simion M.

J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (5):465-472.

Vertical-guided bone regeneration with a titanium-reinforced d-PTFE membrane utilizing a novel split-thickness flap design: a prospective case series.

Windisch P, Orban K, Salvi GE, Sculean A, Molnar B.

Clin Oral Investig. 2021 May;25(5):2969-2980.

Inter-Implant Papilla Reconstruction via a Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation: A Case Report with a Long-Term Follow-up.

Urban IA, Barootchi S, Tavelli L, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2021 Nov-Dec;41(2):169-175.

Guided bone regeneration in staged vertical and horizontal bone augmentation using platelet-rich fibrin associated with bone grafts: a retrospective clinical study.


Amaral Valladão CA Jr, Freitas Monteiro M, Joly JC.

Int J Implant Dent. 2020 Oct 17;6(1):72.

Clinical efficacy in the treatment of critical defects of the alveoloar process using cortical bone allografts.


Erik Regidor, Sergio Morante, Ramon Lorenzo, Esperanza Gross, Alberto Ortiz-Vigon.

Periodoncia Clinica. 02. 2021/19.

Guided Bone Regeneration with Nonresorbable Membranes in the Rehabilitation of Partially Edentulous Atrophic Arches: A Retrospective Study on 122 Implants with a 3- to 7-Year Follow-up.

Pistilli R, Simion M, Barausse C, Gasparro R, Pistilli V, Bellini P, Felice P.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. Sep/Oct 2020;40(5):685-692.

Vertical ridge augmentation (VRA) with the use of a cross-linked resorbable membrane, tenting screws, and a combination grafting technique: a report of three cases.

Soldatos N, Al Ramli R, Nelson-Rabe L, Fergusson B, Soldatos K, Weltman R.

Quintessence Int. 2020 Oct 28:2-13.

Vertical ridge augmentation (VRA) with Ti-reinforced d-PTFE membranes or Ti meshes and collagen membranes: 1-year results of a randomized clinical trial.

Cucchi A, Vignudelli E, Fiorino A, Pellegrino G, Corinaldesi G.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2020 Oct 5. <Epub ahead of print>

Regeneration of Peri-implantitis Infrabony Defects: Report on Three Cases.

Wen SC, Huang WX, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):615-621.

A Proposal of Pseudo-periosteum Classification After GBR by Means of Titanium-Reinforced d-PTFE Membranes or Titanium Meshes Plus Cross-Linked Collagen Membranes.

Cucchi A, Sartori M, Aldini NN, Vignudelli E, Corinaldesi G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jul/Aug;39(4):e157-e165.

Effectiveness of vertical ridge augmentation interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Urban I, Montero E, Monje A, Sanz-Sánchez I.

J Clin Periodontol. 2019 Jun;46 Suppl 21:319-339.

Clinical, histological and histomorphometrical evaluation of a new porcine xenograft utilized in bone augmentation procedures: a case series.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona Spain, April 25 - 27, 2019

A Case Series of Vertical Ridge Augmentation Using a Nonresorbable Membrane: A Multicenter Study.


Mendoza-Azpur G, Gallo P, Mayta-Tovalino F, Alva R, Valdivia E.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Nov/Dec;38(6):811-816.

Decision Tree for Vertical Ridge Augmentation.


Plonka AB, Urban IA, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Mar/Apr;38(2):269-275.

Tunnel Access for Guided Bone Regeneration in the Maxillary Anterior.

Johnson M, Baron D.

Clinical Advances in Periodontics. Vol 8. No 1. March 2018.

Effectiveness of Two Different Lingual Flap Advancing Techniques for Vertical Bone Augmentation in the Posterior Mandible: A Comparative, Split-Mouth Cadaver Study.


Urban I, Traxler H, Romero-Bustillos M, Farkasdi S, Bartee B, Baksa G, Avila-Ortiz G.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Jan/Feb;38(1):35-40.

Safe New Approach to the Lingual Flap Management in Mandibular Augmentation Procedures: The Digitoclastic Technique.

Pistilli R, Checchi V, Sammartino G, Simion M, Felice P.

Implant Dent. 2017 Oct;26(5):790-795.

Principles for Vertical Ridge Augmentation in the Atrophic Posterior Mandible: A Technical Review.


Urban IA, Monje A, Lozada J, Wang HL

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017 Sep/Oct;37(5):639-645.

Ridge preservation/restoration using d-PTFE membranes.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Inspyred: The alternative EAO voice. Volume 6, Issue 1: Summer 2018.

Management of the exposure of a dense PTFE (d-PTFE) membrane in guided bone regeneration (GBR): a case report.


Ghensi P, Stablum W, Bettio E, Soldini MC, Tripi TR, Soldini C.

Oral Implantol (Rome). 2017 Jul-Sep; 10(3): 335–342.

Renewed non-resorbable membranes - Bone augmentation techniques.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Dentista, February 2017.

Surgical Management of Significant Maxillary Anterior Vertical Ridge Defects.


Urban IA, Monje A, Nevins M, Nevins ML, Lozada JL, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2016 May-Jun;36(3):329-37.

Management of d-PTFE Membrane Exposure for Having Final Clinical Success.

Maridati PC, Cremonesi S, Fontana F, Cicciù M, Maiorana C.

J Oral Implantol. 2016 Jun;42(3):289-91.

A Novel Approach for the Coronal Advancement of the Buccal Flap.


Ronda M, Stacchi C.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Nov-Dec;35(6):795-801.

Vertical Ridge Augmentation and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Anterior Atrophic Maxillae: A Case Series.


Urban IA, Monje A, Wang HL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Sep-Oct;35(5):613-23.

Lateral alveolar ridge augmentation using tenting screws, acellular dermal matrix, and freeze-dried bone allograft alone or with particulate autogenous bone.

Caldwell GR, Mills MP, Finlayson R, Mealey BL.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Jan-Feb;35(1):75-83.

Coronal Advancement of the Lingual Flap.

Dr. Paolo Rossetti

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

Treatment of an Infected Exposure of a Dense Polytetrafluoroethylene Membrane in a Vertical Guided Bone Regeneration Procedure: A Protocol Proposal.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

The Pros of the Staged Approach in Vertical Guided Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Mandibular Atrophy.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014

Horizontal and Vertical Bone Augmentation with Titanium Reinforced d-PTFE Membranes: Case Series in 8 Patients.

Cakir S., Gultekin B.A., Cinar I.C., Guven G., Saglanmak A., Karabuda Z.C., Yalcin S.

Presented at the EAO in Rome Italy, September 25-27 2014

Esthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth Following Traumatic Avulsion

André CorreiaDMD, PhD , Manuel Neves DMD ; Zsolt Kovacs LDT

Presented at the ITI World Symposium in Geneva, April 24 - 26, 2014

Exposure of a dense PTFE Membrane in a GBR Procedure: Proposal of a Treatment Protocol.

Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS

Presented at the Italian Society of Osseointegration XXII International Congress in Milan Italy, February 7-8, 2014

Non-resorbable membranes.


Vroom M, Grundemann L.

Tandartspraktijk | Volume 35, 1, January 2014 | Bohn Stafleu van Loghum

Horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation in localized alveolar deficient sites: A retrospective case series.

Annibali S, Bignozzi I, Sammartino G, La Monaca G, Cristalli MP.

Implant Dent. 2012 Jun;21(3):175-185

Minimally invasive alveolar ridge preservation/augmentation procedure (Open Barrier Membrane Technique)

Yamashita M, Horita S, Takei N, Sasada Y, Shibato W, Ishikawa Y, Takao K, Maki K, Funakoshi E.

Presented at the 2010 Research Forum Poster Session. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in Honolulu, HI. October 30 - November 2, 2010.

GBR and autogenous cortical bone particulate by bone scraper for alveolar ridge augmentation: A 2 case report.

Trombelli L, Farina R, Marzola A, Itro A, Calura G.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2008;23:111-116.

Sinus Lift

Osseodensification Crestal Sinus Floor Elevation with or without Synthetic and Resorbable Calcium Phosphosilicate Putty.

Rodrigo Neiva, D.D.S, M.S., Bruna Tanello, D.D.S., Wagner Duarte, D.D.S., PhD, Fred Silva D.D.S., Srinivas Katta, D.D.S., Salah Huwais, D.D.S.

Presented at 2017 EAO Congress, Madrid

Sinus Augmentation Utilizing Calcium Phosphosilicate Biomaterial Followed by Delayed Implant Rehabilitation: Radiological and Clinical Analyses.


Rayapati Dilip Kumar, Honey Verma, NT Prashanth, ES Shobha

IJOICR. September-December 2013;4(3):102-107

Sinus graft with Safescraper: 5-year results.

Caubet J, Petzold C, Sáez-Torres C, Morey M, Iriarte JI, Sánchez J, Torres JJ, Ramis JM, Monjo M.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011; Feb;69(2):482-90.

Maxillary sinus floor augmentation and simultaneous implant placement using locally harvested autogenous bone chips and bone debris.

Johansson LA, Isaksson S, Lindh C, Becktor J, Sennerby L.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;68:837-844.

Maxillary sinus augmentation with autologous bone harvested from the lateral maxillary wall combined with bovine-derived hydroxyapatite.

de Vicente JC, Herna ́ndez-Vallejo G, Bran ̃a-Abascal P, Pen ̃ a I.

Clin Oral Impl. Res. 2010 Apr 1;21(4):430-8.

Sinus elevation by in situ utilization of bone scrapers: technique and results.

Martos-Díaz P, Naval-Gías L, Sastre-Pérez J, González-García R, Bances- del Castillo F, Mancha-de la Plata M, Galindo-Moreno P, Muñoz-Guerra M.

Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2007 Nov 1;12(7):E537-41.

A novel bone scraper for intraoral harvesting: A device for filling small bone defects.

Zaffe D, D'Avenia F.

Clin Oral Implants Res 2007;18:525-533.


Physical and Mechanical Evaluation of Five Suture Materials on Three Knot Configurations: An in Vitro Study.

Desire Abellán, José Nart, Andrés Pascual, Robert E. Cohen, Javier D. Sanz-Moliner.

Polymers; 2016, 8(4), 147.

Suturing for optimal soft-tissue management.

Silverstein LH, Kurtzman GM, Shatz PC.

J Oral Implantol. 2009;35:82-90.