LP Gallo Webinar Apr 25

FREE WEBINAR - Collagen Membranes in Guided Bone Regeneration - Dr. Pier Gallo - 1 CE Hour

Learning objectives - Following this lecture, the attendee will be able to:

  • Explain the biological and mechanical properties of collagen membranes in guided bone regeneration (GBR).
  • Analyze the advantages of their use compared to other membranes, including their biocompatibility, resorbability and ease of handling.
  • Describe its clinical indications in dentistry and reconstructive surgery, including bone defects, dental implants and periodontics.
  • Address contraindications and limitations for proper and safe use.
  • Review the most recent scientific evidence on their efficacy in different clinical scenarios.
Date Price CE Credits
April 10, 2025 Free 1
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Speakers Include:

Pier Gallo2023 RAW

Pier Gallo