LP Gomez Meda Chicago Course

Looking for Efficiency: 3D Ridge Augmentation With Simultaneous Implant Placement - 1.5 Day Lecture and Hands-On Workshop

Course Overview
This day and a half course is designed for the intermediate and advanced clinician. Bone regeneration is frequently implemented when bone quantity is limited. This is done in order to place implants with long-term predictable results while avoiding future biological, functional, and aesthetic complications. This course will focus on the steps needed to tackle those bone deficiencies and how to increase the efficiency of the procedure, reducing morbidity and cost through simultaneous placement of the implants alongside bone regeneration.

Learning Objectives
• To understand principles of vertical ridge augmentation
• To describe its indications and limitations
• To properly learn the surgical techniques for flap advancement and primary closure
• To show the step-by-step surgical protocol
• To understand soft tissue management for 3D bone augmentation
• To describe the step-by-step bone augmentation procedure
• To learn how to prevent and treat possible complications

Hands-On Workshop Overview
Participants will understand principles of vertical ridge augmentation, indications and limitations, case selection, treatment planning, surgical techniques for flap advancement and primary closure, step-by-step surgical protocol, membrane selection, fixation devices, bone harvesting regions and techniques, postoperative protocol, and immediate implant placement. Hands-on components using a pig mandible will include flap management, implant placement, the use of titanium-reinforced membranes/various biomaterials/fixation devices, and dual-layer primary closure.


Course Location and Schedule:

  • The course will take place at Summit Chicago, located at 205 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL
  • Breakfast and lunch will be served both days.
  • Day 1 - March 7, 2025: 8am-5:30pm
    • Breakfast served from 7am-8am
  • Day 2 - March 8, 2025: 8am-1:30pm 
    • Breakfast served from 7am-8am


Dr. Ramón Gómez Meda received his degree in dentistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain in 1996. He then went on to obtain a masters of occlusion and temporo-mandibular dysfunction from the University of Valencia in 1998. Dr. Gómez Meda completed postgraduate training in orthodontics, periodontics, and implantology and is a former partner in the restorative dentistry, endodontics, and surgery departments at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He is a national and international lecturer on periodontics, implantology, and aesthetic multidisciplinary treatments, as well as a DentalXP expert and Zeiss microscope expert. Dr. Gómez Meda has maintained a private practice in Ponferrada, Spain since 2001.

Date Price CE Credits
March 7-8, 2025 $1,495 12
Register Now or Learn More Course Brochure

Speakers Include:

Gomez Meda

Ramon Gomez Meda