Day 1 & 2: Three live surgeries each day
Lecture topics include:
- Guided bone regeneration (GBR) with membranes
- Flap designs to maintain primary closure in all situations
- Ideal socket regeneration
- Implant placement in atrophic ridges
- Immediate implant placement in all areas of the mouth and all types of defect morphologies
- Indications for Piezoelectric handpiece
- Palatal harvesting of connective tissue grafts
- Rationale and use of biologics
- Allograft selection and use
- Root treatment to maximize long term success
- Root coverage techniques with autogenous grafts and allograft
- Soft tissue grafting with GBR therapy
- Soft tissue grafting at implant placement
- Decision trees for material and technique selection
Day 3: Cadaver Lab
- Bone Grafting Techniques:
- Titanium reinforced and resorbable membranes
- Tacking for membrane fixation
- Effective release for primary closure
- Implant Placement in the Following Situations:
- In compromised extractions sockets
- In atrophic ridges
- At the time of sinus augmentation
- In conjunction with osteotome technique
- Soft Tissue Graft Harvesting
- Flapless, double blade, and trapdoor
- Buccal & palatal pedicle grafts
- Allograft placement
- Soft Tissue Grafting During Implant Placement
- Flap Designs to Ensure Primary Closure