enCore® 70/30 Combination Allograft (FDBA & DFDBA)
- Mineralized and demineralized bone in a single vial
- Mineralized cortical bone provides a slowly resorbing, 3-dimensional matrix for space maintenance
- Every lot of demineralized bone is tested in vitro to ensure it meets a BMP threshold statistically validated to be osteoinductive*
- All lots are sourced from a single donor
- All lots are terminally sterilized by low-dose e-beam irradiation
- Processed by Allotech, an FDA-registered and AATB-accredited tissue bank
*Data on file
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More Information
enCore® 70/30 Combination Allograft is a particulate dental bone grafting product combining mineralized and demineralized bone in a single vial. Already a popular combination among many specialists, enCore® 70/30 leverages the complementary benefits of space-maintaining mineralized cortical bone with osteoinductive demineralized matrix to optimize the environment for the regeneration of vital bone.
Published Studies
A randomized controlled trial on the impact of healing time on wound healing following ridge preservation using a 70%/30% combination of mineralized and demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft.
Nelson AC, Mealey BL.
J Periodontol. 2020 Oct;91(10):1256-1263.
Histologic healing following tooth extraction with ridge preservation using mineralized versus combined mineralized-demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
Borg TD, Mealey BL.
J Periodontol. 2015 Mar;86(3):348-55.
The Pros of the Staged Approach in Vertical Guided Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Mandibular Atrophy.
Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS
Presented at the European Academy for Osseointegration (EAO) in Rome Italy, September 25-27, 2014
Unpublished Case Reports
Minimally Invasive Socket Reconstruction Using A High-Density Titanium-Reinforced Ptfe Membrane
Barry K. Bartee, DDS, MD