Cytoplast™ TXT-200 Non-Resorbable High-Density PTFE Membrane
- Non-resorbable high-density PTFE membrane
- Ideal dental membrane for socket grafting and grafting where primary closure is not possible
- Porosity of less than 0.3 microns creates impervious barrier to bacteria
- Use in an open technique results in preservation of soft tissue architecture, preservation of keratinized tissue width, and a non-surgical removal
- Designed to withstand exposure
- Regentex™ surface is designed to increase surface area available for soft tissue attachment
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Cytoplast™ TXT-200 Singles
12 mm x 24 mm

Cytoplast™ TXT-200 Long Singles
12 mm x 30 mm

Cytoplast™ TXT-200
25 mm x 30 mm
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More Information
Often praised for their predictability, Cytoplast™ TXT-200 and TXT-200 Singles are manufactured from high-density PTFE, which is engineered to withstand exposure. This key feature, coupled with the Cytoplast™ Technique for grafting extraction sites, offers the ultimate in both predictability and esthetics during dental bone grafting procedures. For this reason, the TXT-200 Singles are our most popular membranes for socket grafting. By avoiding releasing incisions and displacement of keratinized tissue often associated with obtaining primary closure in socket grafting, clinicians preserve soft tissue architecture and keratinized tissue.
The textured Regentex™ surface is designed to increase the surface area available for cellular attachment during dental bone grafting procedures, thereby assisting in stabilization of the PTFE membrane and prevention of soft tissue retraction. The exposed PTFE membrane can be removed non-surgically after at least 21 days using tissue forceps and a topical anesthetic; a surgical removal is not necessary if the membrane is left exposed. Both TXT-200 barrier membrane sizes can be trimmed if necessary.
Published Studies
Histomorphometry of Bone after Intentionally Exposed Non-Resorbable d-PTFE Membrane or Guided Bone Regeneration for the Treatment of Post-Extractive Alveolar Bone Defects with Implant-Supported Restorations: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
Luongo R, Tallarico M, Canciani E, Graziano D, Dellavia C, Gargari M, Ceruso FM, Melodia D, Canullo L.
Materials. 2022; 15(17):5838.
Long-term preservation of ridge dimension following tooth extraction and ridge preservation: A randomized controlled trial of healing at 4-month and 12-month healing time points.
Allen HT, Zellner JW, Kotsakis GA, Mealey BL.
J Periodontol. 2022 Aug;93(8):1183-1190.
Postextraction ridge preservation by using dense PTFE membranes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Chatzopoulos GS, Koidou VP, Sonnenberger M, Johnson D, Chu H, Wolff LF.
J Prosthet Dent. 2022 Apr 8:S0022-3913(22)00151-2.
Evaluation of healing at molar extraction sites with ridge preservation using a non-resorbable dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane: A four-arm cohort prospective study.
Al Hugail AM, Mealey BL, Walker C, Al Harthi S, Duong M, Noujeim M, Lasho DJ, Prihoda TJ, Huynh-Ba G.
Clin Exp Dent Res. 2021 Jun 6. Epub ahead of print.
A randomized controlled trial on the impact of healing time on wound healing following ridge preservation using a 70%/30% combination of mineralized and demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft.
Nelson AC, Mealey BL.
J Periodontol. 2020 Oct;91(10):1256-1263.
Efficacy of Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Avila-Ortiz G, Gubler M, Romero-Bustillos M, Nicholas CL, Zimmerman MB, Barwacz CA.
J Dent Res. 2020 Apr;99(4):402-409.
Ridge Preservation Following Tooth Extraction Using Bovine Xenograft Compared to Porcine Xenograft. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Lai VJ, Michalek JE, Liu Q, Mealey BL.
J Periodontol. 2020 Mar;91(3):361-368.
Time analysis of alveolar ridge preservation using a combination of mineralized bone-plug and dense-polytetrafluoroethylene membrane: A histomorphometric study.
Wen SC, Barootchi S, Huang WX, Wang HL.
J Periodontol. 2020 Feb;91(2):215-222.
Healing Dynamics Following Alveolar Ridge Preservation with Autologous Tooth Structure.
Mazor Z, Horowitz RA, Prasad H, Kotsakis GA.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):697-702.
Alveolar ridge preservation with d-ptfe membrane a randomized controlled trial.
Mohammed Sabe-Alarab, Hussein AL-Essa, Fawaz Jaber, Yaman Shomal and Jehad Kharfan.
Int J Recent Sci Res. 10(09), pp.34658-34664.
Ridge Architecture Preservation Following Minimally Traumatic Exodontia Techniques and Guided Tissue Regeneration.
Faciola Pessôa de Oliveira PG, Pedroso Bergamo ET, Bordin D, Arbex L, Konrad D, Gil LF, Neiva R, Tovar N, Witek L, Coelho PG.
Implant Dent. 2019 Aug;28(4):319-328.
The Extraction Socket Management Continuum: A Hierarchical Approach to Dental Implant Site Development.
A Cheng, J Berridge, R McGary, K Erley, T Johnson.
Clinical Advances in Periodontics, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2019.
Buccal bone thickness adjacent to virtual dental implants following guided bone regeneration.
Phillips DJ, Swenson DT, Johnson TM.
J Periodontol. 2019 Jun;90(6):595-607.
Retrospective Analysis of the Outcome of Ridge Preservation with Anorganic Bovine Bone Mineral: Marginal Bone Level at Implants Placed Following Healing of Grafted Extraction Sockets.
Wu IH, Bakhshalian N, Galaustian R, Naini RB, Min S, Freire M, Zadeh HH.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jan/Feb;39(1):131-140.
A Histologic and Histomorphometric Retrospective Analysis of the Outcomes of Ridge Preservation Using Anorganic Bovine Bone Minerals and a Nonresorbable Membrane.
Min S, Freire M, Bakshallian N, Wu I, Zadeh HH.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 September/October;38(5):637–644.
Histologic Evaluation of Wound Healing After Ridge Preservation With Cortical, Cancellous, and Combined Cortico-Cancellous Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Demetter RS, Calahan BG, Mealey BL.
J Periodontol. 2017 Sep;88(9):860-868.
Alveolar Ridge Preservation with nc-HA and d-PTFE Membrane: A Clinical, Histologic, and Histomorphometric Study.
Laurito D, Lollobrigida M, Gianno F, Bosco S, Lamazza L, De Biase A.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017 Mar/Apr;37(2):283-290.
Evaluation of Healing at Molar Extraction Sites With and Without Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Walker CJ, Prihoda TJ, Mealey BL, Lasho DJ, Noujeim M, Huynh-Ba G.
J Periodontol. 2017 Mar;88(3):241-249.
Socket Preservation with d-PTFE Membrane: Histologic Analysis of the Newly Formed Matrix at Membrane Removal.
Laurito D, Cugnetto R, Lollobrigida M, Guerra F, Vestri A, Gianno F, Bosco S, Lamazza L, De Biase A.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2016 Nov/Dec;36(6):877-883.
Histologic healing following tooth extraction with ridge preservation using mineralized versus combined mineralized-demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
Borg TD, Mealey BL.
J Periodontol. 2015 Mar;86(3):348-55.
Bone regeneration around implants placed in fresh extraction sockets covered with a dual-layer PTFE/collagen membrane: an experimental study in dogs.
Tovar N, Jimbo R, Marin C, Witek L, Suzuki M, Bonfante EA, Coelho PG.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2014 Nov-Dec;34(6):849-55.
Evaluation of a dense polytetrafluoroethylene membrane to increase keratinized tissue: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
Barboza EP, Stutz B, Mandarino D, Rodrigues DM, Ferreira VF.
Implant Dent. 2014 Jun;23(3):289-94.
Guided bone regeneration using nonexpanded polytetrafluoroethylene membranes in preparation for dental implant placements- A report of 420 cases.
Barboza EP, Stutz B, Ferreira VF, Carvalho W.
Implant Dent. 2010;19:2-7
Comparison of dermal matrix and polytetrafluoroethylene membrane for socket bone augmentation: A clinical and histologic study.
Fotek PD, Neiva RF, Wang HL.
J Periodontol. 2009;80:776-785.
Alveolar bone preservation in extraction sockets using non-resorbable dPTFE membranes: A retrospective non-randomized study.
Hoffman O, Bartee BK, Beaumont C, Kasaj A, Deli G, Zafiropoulos GG.
J Periodontol. 2008;79:1355-1369.
Published Case Series
The "Combo Technique": A Case Series Introducing the Use of a d-PTFE Membrane in Immediate Postextraction Guided Bone Regeneration.
Koidou VP, Chatzopoulos GS, Johnson D.
J Oral Implantol. 2019 Dec;45(6):486-493.
Periosteal Inhibition Technique for Alveolar Ridge Preservation as It Applies to Implant Therapy.
Nguyen V, von Krockow N, Pouchet J, Weigl PM.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Sep/Oct;39(5):737-744.
Cytocone Procedure: Conservative Repair of a Buccal Plate Dehiscence in Preparation for Implant Placement.
Changi KK, Greenstein G.
Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2018 May;39(5):294-299.
Protocol for Maintaining Alveolar Ridge Volume in Molar Immediate Implant Sites.
Johnson TM, Berridge JP, Baron D.
Clinical Advances in Periodontics. November 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 207-214.
Alveolar Ridge Preservation Using Allografts and Dense Polytetrafluoroethylene Membranes With Open Membrane Technique in Unhealthy Extraction Socket.
Cheon GB, Kang KL, Yoo MK, Yu JA, Lee DW.
J Oral Implantol. 2017 Aug;43(4):267-273.
Extraction and Ridge Preservation Followed by Delayed Implant Placement of a Second Mandibular Molar with Proximity to the Inferior Alveolar Nerve.
Bronstein D, Garashi M, Kravchenko D.
Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 4(3), 434-438.
Renewed non-resorbable membranes - Bone augmentation techniques.
Vroom M, Grundemann L.
Dentista, February 2017.
Non-resorbable membranes.
Vroom M, Grundemann L.
Tandartspraktijk | Volume 35, 1, January 2014 | Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Using a dense PTFE membrane without primary closure to achieve bone and tissue regeneration.
Barber HD, Lignelli J, Smith BM, Bartee BK.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007;65:748-752.
Extraction site reconstruction for alveolar ridge preservation. Part 2: Membrane-assisted surgical technique.
Bartee BK.
J Oral Implantol. 2001;27:194-197.
Extraction site reconstruction for alveolar ridge preservation. Part 1: Rationale and material selection.
Bartee BK.
J Oral Implantol. 2001;27:187-193.
Clinical Evaluation of Guided Bone Regeneration Procedures Using a dense-Polytetrafluoroethylene Membrane. A Preliminary Report.
Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS
Presented at the SIO in Italy, 2012
Minimally invasive alveolar ridge preservation/augmentation procedure (Open Barrier Membrane Technique)
Yamashita M, Horita S, Takei N, Sasada Y, Shibato W, Ishikawa Y, Takao K, Maki K, Funakoshi E.
Presented at the 2010 Research Forum Poster Session. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in Honolulu, HI. October 30 - November 2, 2010.
Soft tissue enhancement using non-expanded PTFE membranes without primary closure.
Barboza EP, Francisco BS, Ferreira VF.
Presented at the 2008 Research Forum Poster Session. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in Seattle, WA, September 6-9, 2008.
Unpublished Case Reports
Multi-site Ridge Preservation/ Reconstruction Porcine Xenograft and dPTFE Membrane.
Dan Cullum, DDS
Ridge Preservation using Porcine Xenograft and dPTFE Membrane.
Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, DDS, Ms, PhD, Chris Barwacz, DDS, FAGD
Immediate implant placement and socket reconstruction using a high-density titanium-reinforced PTFE membrane.
Barry K. Bartee, DDS, MD
Extraction, immediate implant placement and guided bone regeneration using a flapless approach.
Barry K. Bartee, DDS, MD
A dual-layer membrane technique for immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone.
Barry K. Bartee, DDS, MD