Zcore™ Porcine Xenograft Particulate
- Interconnecting macroscopic and microscopic porous structure supports the formation and ingrowth of new bone
- 88% to 95% Void Space: hyper-porosity of porcine cancellous matrix and intra-particle space facilitated by rough particle morphology reduce bulk density of the graft, allowing greater empty space for new bone growth
- Derived from porcine cancellous bone, eliminating risk of BSE transmission
- Heat treated to an optimal temperature that ensures a degree of crystallinity consistent with native bone mineral to allow for remodeling of the healing bone
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Particle Size: .25 - 1.0 mm

Particle Size: 1.0 - 2.0 mm
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More Information
Zcore™ is an osteoconductive, porous, anorganic bone mineral with a carbonate apatite structure derived from porcine cancellous bone. Proprietary processing steps preserve both interconnecting macroscopic and microscopic porous structures of Zcore™ that helps support the formation and in-growth of new bone.
Published Studies
Histomorphometry of Bone after Intentionally Exposed Non-Resorbable d-PTFE Membrane or Guided Bone Regeneration for the Treatment of Post-Extractive Alveolar Bone Defects with Implant-Supported Restorations: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
Luongo R, Tallarico M, Canciani E, Graziano D, Dellavia C, Gargari M, Ceruso FM, Melodia D, Canullo L.
Materials. 2022; 15(17):5838.
Ridge Preservation Following Tooth Extraction Using Bovine Xenograft Compared to Porcine Xenograft. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Lai VJ, Michalek JE, Liu Q, Mealey BL.
J Periodontol. 2020 Mar;91(3):361-368.
Vertical ridge augmentation procedure in the posterior maxilla by means of a porcine pericardium collagen membrane and a porcine particulate xenograft mixed with autogenous particulate bone. graft: a case report.
Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS
Presented at the International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona Spain, April 25 - 27, 2019
Clinical, histological and histomorphometrical evaluation of a new porcine xenograft utilized in bone augmentation procedures: a case series.
Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS
Presented at the International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona Spain, April 25 - 27, 2019
Keratinized tissue augmentation carried out during the healing period of mandibular guided bone regeneration procedures performed with the use of resorbable membranes: a case series.
Fabrizio Belleggia, DDS
Presented at the International Osteology Symposium in Barcelona Spain, April 25 - 27, 2019
Unpublished Case Reports
Multi-site Ridge Preservation/ Reconstruction Porcine Xenograft and dPTFE Membrane.
Dan Cullum, DDS
Ridge Preservation using Porcine Xenograft and dPTFE Membrane.
Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, DDS, Ms, PhD, Chris Barwacz, DDS, FAGD